Prague – Museum

We next went to the museum in Prague, where we were greeted by a tour guide who told us a bit about the exhibit that we were looking at. He talked to us about fragmentation of society, we are all different but we do share something. He made me realize that even if you don’t take part in a movement, you are still a part of it and it still affects you.  After the guide left us, we had a chance to look around a bit at the exhibit.  A lot of the pieces are video art, complicated to say the least. We all got stuck on one piece that was a video of all the same race people putting bags over their head one by one as their names were called.  On one wall they put black bags on and on the other wall they put white bags on. We tried for so long to figure it out, but we couldn’t no matter how hard we tried.  Some art is so abstract that you may never know what the artist was trying to say and this is definitely the case here.

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